Materials needed:

1.  A few pieces of tissue paper, your choice of colors.

2. pipe cleaner

3. A pair of scissors

4. A pencil

5.  Sticky tape

教學對象: 幼稚園大班 & 安親班


1.  Fold a big piece of tissue paper in half and fold the paper in half twice more, then draw a heart and cut it out.

2.  Gently push a pipe cleaner through one of the petals, near the pointed end.  Slide the petal a little way down.  (This is actually easier than I thought, the petal gets through the pipe cleaner quite easily.  One just needs to be gentle when pushing it through.)

3. Thread the rest of the petals on in the same way.  Then, gently spread the petals out around the steam, to make a flower.

4. Holding the petals from underneath, wrap a short piece of sticky tape around them and press it onto the stem, to secure the petals. 

5.  Fold another piece of tissue paper in half for a leaf.  Draw a heart on it, then cut out the shape, keeping the paper folded.

6. cut another pipe cleaner in half.  Secure the pipe cleaner on one of the leaves with a piece of sticy tape.  Then stick the other leaf on top of the pipe cleaner to make it a single leaf.

7.  Lay the leaf stem next to the main stem and twist them together tightly.

9.  Then here's the flower ready for your mom.

Students could cut another piece of heart shape out from a piece of cardboard, write some messege on it for the moms.  Follow the same way the leaf is made and twist it together with the main stem to present a flower with messege on it.


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